Wednesday, July 30, 2008


My life before was very simple, easy but no direction and plans. I don't even bother being bored at home and doing nothing in life. I don't have plans for tomorrow, I'm not preparing for my future and I don't even care what was going to happen the next day. I woke up every morning just exactly the way I woke up everyday in the past 2 years of my life, feeling like a zombie, like there wasn't anything new to do, and I don't appreciate life because it feels like there isn't a purpose why do I have to live. Some mornings I woke up asking my self " Why do I have to get up? Is there something meaningful that I have to do?" I have lost my purpose of living 3 years back when I screw up my studies and chose to be a bystanders just like all of ny friends. And one night a situation struck me. I woke up with this excruciating pain in my lower ribs, that it hurts so much I couldn't even get up, I can't twist my hips, can't shout out for my brother's to hear me in my pain. Then a thought of dying fills my head and ask my self " If I die where am I going? Do I know what would happen to me and to the people I care about. I felt tears crossing down my chicks for I have realized that if GOD will take my life in that moment it would be a lonely feeling for I have nobody beside me and I didn't even ask for forgiveness for the mistakes i have done in my life, to my parents, to my brother's and to God. I cried and cried until I fell asleep. And the next morning thousand questions are flowing in my mind and I want to change my way of living and I want it to be meaningful everyday, exact day when my friend invited me at their church. The pastor ask me "when did you accept Christ in your life?" I ask him back why I have to. Then he read a scripture in the bible that says "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved" Romans 10:9 Then the pastor leads me to a prayer that changes my life until now. I wasn't expecting a lot of changes in my life but I didn't realize until now how much God lead me from a sinner, to a follower and molding me in becoming a leader. God gave me a purpose in life and I believe He calls me to become something or much more. Also to train me in becoming the best follower I can be, to an effective leader in the future. He open up opportunities and give me assurance that my labor here on earth is not in vein. For I believe that no one really knows about all the things I have done in my life with this borrowed time, and truly knows all my purposes in my life but only GOD.

With Fellow Campers and our Beloved Pastor Eric Dicimulacion

With Fellow Campers and our Beloved Pastor Eric Dicimulacion

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